Month: August 2022

Unique articles written by professionals delivered to you daily

How to write a role-playing game

Writing a script is an essential element of a successful role-playing session. Indeed, there are countless existing scenarios, both on the internet and in book form. Writing your own story can quickly become a complicated exercise. It requires mastering a few essential rules. Here are some tips on how to write a role-playing game. 1)…
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How to write a romantic comedy

Writing a good romantic comedy is more complicated than it seems. Indeed, the risk of falling into a cliché or a plot is high. To generate a roller coaster of emotions and make our reader go from laughter to tears, we need endearing characters, with flaws and fragilities that make them human, humor, lightness, but…
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How to write a school essay

Academic writing has high standards that are sometimes difficult to achieve, and with all the pressure and fear of falling behind, figuring out where to start can be a daunting task. An essay can have several purposes, but the basic structure remains the same regardless of the topic. All you have to do is bring…
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How to write a scientific article

If scientific research is not communicated effectively, it may not have the desired impact on the world. Today, the internet has made knowledge available to anyone with access to a computer or smartphone. However, the real challenge is connecting readers to scientific concepts in an interesting, accurate, and authoritative way. Thanks to social media and…
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How to write a script

Screenwriting is first and foremost a set of techniques and skills that can you can learn with experience. So, it’s a job that’s accessible to everyone, no matter what some people want to say. Here are some tips on how to write a script. 1)     When you write a script: play with expectation…
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How to write a sitcom

Situation comedy, abbreviated to “sitcom”, is quite explicit about its content. The objective is to create a comic scenario from a single situation that constitutes the narrative basis of each episode. Sometimes varying these circumstances very slightly from one episode to another. Here are some tips on how to write a sitcom. 1)    …
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How to write a song

The text that underlies your song is a determining factor. Indeed, you can compose the melody of your dreams, but if it is not accompanied by sensible and striking lyrics, it will not be of great interest. That’s why some great singers, without any real talent for writing, ask songwriters to give a soul to…
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How to write a speech

To build a convincing speech, we think that everything lies in the arguments. We take pleasure in the certainty that if they are well-founded, we will convince. But there’s more to that. A speech must be captivating and, depending on the circumstances, it must inform, convince, motivate or entertain the audience. It is therefore essential…
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How to write a sports article

Creating a sports article is a special exercise. To do so, it is essential to follow some basic journalistic rules in order to write a good text. Your article must light the desire to attract the attention of readers. Here are some tips on how to write a sports article. 1)     When you…
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How to write a thank-you letter

Knowing how to thank is much more than a basic courtesy. It is, above all, a state of mind; an art of living almost, but also a proof of humility. Here are some tips on how to write a thank-you letter. 1)     When you write a thank-you letter: use your handwriting Handwritten thank…
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