How to write a conclusion

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How to write a conclusion

As important as the introduction or the body of the text, the conclusion gives the final impression of the dissertation. Therefore, it must be written correctly if you want to write a quality dissertation. Although relatively short compared to the introduction, the conclusion synthesizes the content of the argument and presents the essential elements such as the outcome of the research. Hence the importance of a well-crafted conclusion. Here are some tips on how to write a conclusion.

1)     When you write a conclusion: include three steps

Recapitulate: in a few sentences, summarize the demonstration, recalling the different aspects of the development; give your opinion, by taking a clear position with regard to the question posed in the subject; and broaden the subject: show that it can lead to other lines of thought, to other questions.

2)     Think big

Suggest broader implications. Conclusions can serve many functions in an essay or paper. A good conclusion will highlight the importance and relevance of your argument and the significance of your unique findings. It can also go beyond that and suggest that your essay has broader potential implications and applications beyond your work.

3)     When you write a conclusion: don’t get too personal

When you write a conclusion, you should not propose new analyses of the text accompanied by quotations, but rather make an assessment of one’s reading. While expressing your ideas, it is preferable to use impersonal turns of phrase or the pronoun we, rather than direct expressions such as “I think that…”, as generalizing is also a means of persuasion.

4)     Invite to think

Finally, invite your readers to think and discuss your subject. This is not a required element, but it is highly recommended. This step consists of broadening the subject on which you have worked and allows you to bring new avenues of reflection on related themes. It is also quite possible to make this opening by citing other texts, for example.

The role of the conclusion is to close a discussion, a debate or the presentation of a point of view. It shows the finality of the research work carried out, while being linked to the initial problematic. When you write a conclusion, you are almost set to finish your essay.