How to make Reading a habit

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How to make Reading a habit

Developing the habit of reading, especially at an early age, is very important for children to acquire a solid intellectual foundation. As adults, it helps them learn more about the world and train their brains. If you are having trouble on how to make reading a habit, here are some tips that will get you started.

1. TikTok can wait

Read a book, a real one, at least 10 to 15 minutes a day. Small steps method… Find a place where you are sure you will not be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. That means putting your phone on airplane mode too! No more ringing notifications and no more surrounding temptations that want you to do something else.

2) How to make reading a habit: read for content

When you read, do so to get the main idea of each paragraph and the reasons behind it. As you improve your reading skills, it may be helpful to read with a pencil in your hand to take notes or to underline the main idea of each paragraph.

3) Learn to appreciate the content

When you encounter unfamiliar words or ideas, often the literary, historical, or social content of the text can offer clues about what the author or character is writing. This will require a little research to inform you of the different levels of context presented in the text.

4) Read with a small notebook next to you

There are so many fabulously written sentences that I would like to remember. I’ve gotten into the habit of always reading with something to write down nearby. Eventually you’ll have a whole notebook full of reading notes, which is a great photograph of who you are in a certain moment.

5) How to make reading a habit: there is no obligation

Remember that this is a habit of pleasure and contemplation. If you are definitely not enjoying reading, it may be time for you to consider putting that book down and starting another. There are authors, books, genres that simply aren’t for everyone. And that’s okay. Whatever works on your path of how to make reading a habit.

With these tips, very soon your personal library will grow, and you will feel much better. After all, learning how to make reading a habit is an activity that will serve you for life.