How to review movies

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How to review movies

 A film review article offers a personal assessment of a film in order to encourage or discourage the reader to watch it. It should include information about the story and express a coherent judgment about the form and discourse of the film, based on arguments and examples. Here are some tips on how to review movies.

1) Explore a little

Do a little research on the film: its director, its actors, who wrote it, if it is based on a book. These are all elements that can help you in your project. And little by little you will be an expert in how to review movies.

2) How to review movies: write a killer first paragraph

The first paragraph offers a brief description of the film. Start with a catchphrase and then present the plot in a few lines, avoiding mentioning the end of the story: the idea is to highlight the setting and the essential aspects of the story.

3) Don’t lose focus

In the following paragraphs, present the arguments that support your thesis based on the elements identified by the analysis of the film. Whether positive or negative, your critique should be supported by examples to convince your reader.

4) How to review movies: practice your arguments

Nobody will care about your opinion if you don’t try to elaborate on it. State your opinion and spend some time explaining why you say it. You can rely on scenes, on the logic of the story itself or, if you are already an expert, on editing, photography and acting.

5) State an easy conclusion

Conclude your article by repeating your tagline. Your reader wants to know whether or not to go see this movie. Your conclusion should allow them to make their decision. We all remember Roger Ebert’s “Two thumbs up”, so you can come up with your own system when you are learning how to review movies.

With these little tips, you should be more than ready to start your journey on how to review movies. Enjoy its perks (if you get really good, sometimes they invite you to premiere!) but also be fair and easy-to-read.