Month: September 2022

Unique articles written by professionals delivered to you daily

How to write condolences

It is difficult to find the right words in a letter of condolence. Expressing sadness and distress to someone who is grieving is very difficult. It is obviously preferable to write a condolence letter from the heart. There is nothing like personal expressions, especially in these situations where you can express your love and friendship…
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How to write for the elderly

Differences in mentality and lifestyle between generations, as well as physical or cognitive problems often associated with aging, sometimes complicate exchanges within the same family or between professional caregivers and elderly patients. In order to communicate with the seniors, it is necessary to remember some of the characteristics of this exchange, which is so beneficial…
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How to write poetry

Poetry, the free genre par excellence! But the possibilities offered by the writing of a poem is not without constraint. The poet is more than a writer, he is ultimately a composer and artist of language. Here are some tips on how to write poetry. 1) How to write poetry: pick a style There is…
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How to write romance novels

A forbidden romance, a burning desire, insurmountable obstacles, a broken heart, a hint of eroticism and, after many twists and turns, the longed-for true love! The story may be romantic, but it must also be captivating and original. There are many similarities between romance novels, so in order for your romance novel to stand out…
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How to improve your handwriting

Only yesterday, human beings were not addicted to digital technology and took the time to learn calligraphy in order to write handwritten messages. This writing skill, which has long since been lost, still survives thanks to a few die-hard enthusiasts who have mastered the pen and quill to perfection. You could be one of them.…
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How to improve your grammar skills

If you have decided to improve grammar skills for whatever reason, some effort will be necessary, because mastering a language includes knowing nuances, details and inconsistencies that make it interesting, alive and fun to learn. Here are some tips on how to improve grammar skills. 1) Improve your grammar skills: be humble Identify your weaknesses.…
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How to write a love letter

Writing love letters is a tradition that should not be allowed to disappear. Not only because it is a romantic and beautiful act, but also because writing a love letter is beneficial for the person who writes it. Here you will find some tips so that the love you want to express and nurture lasts…
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How to write an art blog

An art blog can be a great way to express your ideas and interests in a new form: writing! Once you’ve determined which hosting company and blogging platform you want to use, follow these steps to get your blog on the road to success. Here are some tips on how to write an art blog.…
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How to use writing as therapy

Writing therapy can be practiced alone (as self-therapy) or in a workshop setting. Shy people often can’t express what they feel in words. As a result, they keep everything inside with no way to get it out. At some point, they may explode when there is an overflow of repressed emotions. Writing as a therapy…
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Overcome your writer’s block

The best advice for writing will always be “write and keep writing!”. But there are very difficult cases in which overcoming writer’s block requires more than an iron will. Here are some tips that, hopefully, will reconcile you with your creative side. 1) Overcome your writer’s block: remix your ideas Maybe you have a very…
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