What is a focus keyword

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What is a focus keyword

The SEO focus keyword or focus phrase is the keyword you are trying to rank your article for in Google. And, unless you have a website with a very high domain authority, you should usually opt for a priority keyword that is a long tail keyword. Here are some pointers on what is a keyword and how you can use it to your advantage.

Place it at the beginning

The choice of the Focus Keyword is crucial for your content. It is the keyword on which you want to position yourself in Google. To choose it, you must take into account its relevance to your business and its search volume. Place the strategic keyword of your page in the H1 header, preferably at the beginning. This first level title must be short and concise.

Diversify your options

Some sources recommend having identical Title and H1 tags, while others advise the opposite. As is often the case, opinions differ in this new era of communication. Writing two different tags allows you to exploit the possibilities offered by the long tail and to place more keywords.

What is a focus keyword? clicks are kings

Focus on the keywords that generate the most clicks. Among them, identify the keywords on which your content could be better positioned, but without appearing too far in the Google results: ideally between positions 2 and 10, otherwise before position 20 and at most before position 30.  Finally, among them, select a Focus Keyword with a significant search volume.

Long-tail is sometimes better

One of the main benefits of long tail keywords is that people who enter them into Google are much further along in the buying journey than people who enter “main” keywords. This means that traffic from long tail keywords converts much better than traffic from “main” keywords. And that means you can get the same number of customers or sign-ups with a much lower volume of traffic.

What is a focus keyword? better to have a strategy

Adding quality content to your website or blog regularly is a good SEO strategy. Google sees that your website is active because you are adding new information and increasing the volume of your content. But adding random content to your site is not very helpful. You need to develop a keyword strategy, and based on that strategy, you need to create high-quality content that your audience is looking for.