What is W3C validation

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What is W3C validation

W3C has implemented a validator that allows you to indicate how many errors and alerts (if any) a web page returns according to the W3C HTML standards. If no errors and/or alerts are returned, it means that the page in question is 100% compliant with the standard. The W3C validity rate would likely be a criterion of relevance for Google. The more a page is faithful to the W3C standard, the better it will be ranked in the results. Here are some pointers on what W3C validation is and whether to consider it in your SEO strategy.

How influential is it?

It is very rare to find on the Internet websites that are 100% valid (about 5% of the sites that appear on Google pass the W3C validator). It is quite challenging to maintain a W3C-valid site forever. Anyone who uses an HTML editor in a CMS is aware of how frequently these editors produce coding errors. You can rest easy knowing that the Google search engine does not punish websites for not receiving 20 out of 20 on the W3C validator.

Respect the semantics

An HTML page’s architecture must pass serious scrutiny so that the contents are hierarchical. The list of all HTML tags may appear on this page, and they must help out in accordance with specific guidelines. In addition, for HTML tags to function properly, you must respect numerous properties.

Here are some of the most common coding mistakes:

HTML tags that are improperly closed will result in graphic defects. And, in rare situations, prohibit search engines from properly indexing pages. The only real repercussions of poor URL encoding are in the reference. Style sheet color warnings will be inconvenient for accessibility. Accessibility issues and JavaScript code faults can also result from duplicate IDs. Your pages will display differently in various browsers if you use HTML or CSS improperly.

When learning what W3C validation is, remember: the fact that a page is valid or not during the W3C test is not a criterion of relevance for Google. Also, it will not make the page better positioned. On the other hand, it would be interesting to perform this test and to list the errors returned to see whether some of them can disturb the analysis of the code by the engine.