How to optimize the catalog for SEO

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How to optimize the catalog for SEO

Your online catalog is at the heart of your web strategy. A few simple optimizations on your e-shop can change the game and increase your online sales. Product catalogs are becoming increasingly important in enhancing the consumer experience, both online and offline. But the real power of an optimized product catalog lies in its ability to enhance the presentation of products so that consumers can better visualize and imagine them. Here are some pointers on how to optimize the catalog for SEO.

Present your store with static content

In the vast majority of cases, the home pages of e-commerce sites do not contain any fixed content that aims to present the store. This is a mistake. The home page of your e-commerce site should contain static content of at least 200 words, structured, if possible, in titles of levels <h1>, <h2> and <h3>, which presents in a general way your activity and what you sell. This content must remain stable over time.

Add keywords

Describe your products and services in a way that is relevant to people’s searches. This means that your product names and descriptions should contain relevant keywords, in other words, words and phrases that match searches. Include your target keywords and strongest copy at the very beginning of your meta description.

Give voice to your customers

Gather customer feedback about your products. When ranking websites in search results, search engines take into account self-published content as well as the opinions of others about your site and products. Make it a priority to create a space for customer feedback.

Simplify the URLs

In the optimization of SEO product sheets, URLs are important. Indeed, the URL of your products can be complex to read for Google robots. If you fill in this field when the product is already created in your catalog, the modification of the URL will generate a 404 error. It is therefore imperative to set up a 301 redirection from the old URL to the new one. They can also contain some strategic keywords that will improve the SEO of the product files.

When learning how to optimize the catalog for SEO, remember: by optimizing your product catalog in this way, your consumers will have quality information, which will help them decide what to buy and why, thus improving their overall shopping experience.