Month: November 2022

Unique articles written by professionals delivered to you daily

What is an SSL certificate

An SSL certificate (or electronic certificate or digital certificate) is the equivalent of a digital identity card. The certificate is materialized by a data file linking a cryptographic key to the information of a natural or legal person. The certificate secures data exchanges by encryption between a web server and the browser of an Internet…
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What is an SMO strategy

SMO, an acronym for Social Media Optimization, refers to all the techniques aimed at developing the visibility, notoriety and image of a brand or a website on social networks like Facebook or Twitter.  It was first thought of as an element that could play an important role in the referencing of one’s website. Today, the…
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What is an algorithm

An algorithm is a set of operations search engines (Google, Bing, Yandex, etc.) perform to rank information by relevance. These computer programs are at the heart of modern search technologies and rely on several hundred factors to evaluate the quality of a web page and position it in the results pages. Here are some pointers…
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What is an affiliate program

An affiliate program is a marketing technique that aims to create a partnership between a commercial site and a content publisher or influencer. The publisher site, or affiliate, will promote in its content the goods or services sold by the commercial site, also known as the affiliate or advertiser. In exchange, the affiliate receives a…
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What is AJAX

Ajax is the abbreviation of a technical term: Asynchronous Javascript and XML. This technology allows to create, generate, modify or delete contents in a dynamic way, without changing pages. This technology will make possible the creation of very dynamic sites. It lets you modify or add content with a simple click. In short, instead of…
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What is Agile Content Development

Agile Content Development is an approach that allows to realize a project by breaking it down into small parts. The idea is to achieve the final result defined by the project objectives in small, controlled and practical steps. It is present, in large part, in software development projects because of its pragmatic focus on the…
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What is a VPN

A virtual private network is a secure tunnel within a network. It allows you to exchange information securely and anonymously using an IP address different from that of your computer. This system is useful for surfing the Internet from a different location than yours. For example, to bypass the censorship in force in a country…
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What is a URL Parameter

URL parameters are a means of tracking information and traffic on a website. It is the dynamic data inserted into the URL string after the request executes in order to filter additional information about a given site, or to structure the site’s contents. Here are some pointers on what a URL Parameter is and how…
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What is a URL hijack

A URL hijack is when a hacker creates a website with a URL that closely resembles or is a copy of a legitimate website that a user knows and trusts. In addition to URL spoofing, the hacker can copy the content and style of a website, including its images and text. To hijack a URL,…
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What is a subdomain

A subdomain allows you to divide a website into several sections. To do this, the name of the sub-domain is placed before the domain name (top level domain) and is separated from it by a period, like the “maps” on Here are some pointers on what a subdomain is and how to use it…
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