Month: November 2022

Unique articles written by professionals delivered to you daily

What is a SEO strategy

A SEO strategy is essential to develop your business on the web. To achieve your goals, whether it’s getting top positions in search engine result pages (SERPs), increasing organic traffic, improving brand awareness or increasing conversions, you need to create a solid SEO strategy. Here are some pointers on what a SEO strategy is. It…
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What is a semantic cocoon

The Semantic Cocoon is an organization of the pages of a website into isolated tree branches. The pages of a branch come together on the basis of semantically close words. This to respond in advance to the most expected queries of Internet users on search engines. It is a concept of architecture and optimization of…
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What is a search directory

A search directory is a website. A directory of hundreds of thousands of websites, sorted by major categories. They have been gradually not useful to avoid a Google penalty. Especially following the algorithm updates. Here are some pointers on what a search directory is and whether it is useful to consider it in your SEO…
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What is a root server

A server that is essential in converting a domain name into an IP address is known as a DNS root server (or simply root server). It answers clients’ requests or inquiries in the DNS root zone (the root zone marks the highest, or first, level in the DNS name space). Instead of performing name resolution…
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What is a proxy server

The proxy server is associated with many functions such as content filtering, logging to keep track of the requests made or authentication. In other words, the web proxy monitors exchanges between two hosts by placing itself in the middle. It can be used to block access to certain websites. Here are some pointers on what…
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What is a Progressive Web App

A Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a website that uses modern mobile capabilities (push notifications, GPS, camera…) to provide users with an experience similar to that of a native mobile application. Unlike an app, all content is accessible via a URL and indexed by search engines. Here are some pointers on what a Progressive Web…
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What is a newsletter

A newsletter is a periodic communication sent by e-mail to a list of recipients. It is this periodical character, and thus a content based on a current event, that differentiates the newsletter from the other types of e-mail marketing communications. The information newsletter Contrary to the commercial e-mailing, the electronic newsletter is sent periodically to…
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What is a natural link

Natural links are simply those we create without a netlinking strategy. Since it should come naturally, a site has placed a backlink to yours without you having asked for anything. Or without you having done anything for it. Here are some pointers on what a natural link is and how to consider it in your…
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What is a mockup

You can use a mockup to organize the vision of your site and to optimize its ergonomics before even starting the development phase. Several steps lead to the mockup, then to the functional prototype. This is used to develop a site from scratch, either by giving it to a developer or developing it yourself. It…
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What is a meta-search engine

A meta search engine is a type of search engine that gives results based on a combination of results from other search engine databases. It specializes in concatenating databases from a variety of search engines and linking the search results to relevant sources. Here are some pointers on what a meta-search engine is and how…
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