Category: Writing guides

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How to write a cooking blog

You’ve finally made your choice. Your friends and family always praise your cooking. And you’ve looked at online content, read books. And you are convinced that you have something important to say. You just need to follow a few steps and then you can successfully write a cooking blog. 1) When you write a cooking…
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How to write a cover letter

The primary objective of the cover letter is to get a job interview. To do this, you need to write a structured and organized document, in order to make it punchy and convincing. Its presentation must also allow the recruiter to read your cover letter easily, by making it clear and understandable. The cover letter…
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How to write a description

When you decide to write a description or a portrayal, then you probably decided to mark a pause in your narrative. A description often serves to prepare for the action to come by giving indications about the place or the character of the characters. They can also be used to create an atmosphere, to build…
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How to write a fable

Fables are characterized by their moral lessons. These short tales were once passed down as folklore to teach listeners the difference between right and wrong, give advice on behavior and manners, and offer morals to live by. A fable includes a simple conflict and resolution, followed by a moral. Fables feature anthropomorphized animals and natural…
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How to write a fashion blog

If you already work in the fashion industry and are passionate about the latest fashion trends, design and style, creating a blog is a great way to share your personal style, established designer trends and promote yourself to build an online brand. Here are some tips on how to write a fashion blog. 1) Spend…
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How to write a final paper

The final paper is the flagship exercise of mostly the humanities. It is a kind of test of understanding of the course, which will also assess your capacity of reflection, your ability to argue and your general culture. It is, above all, a very codified exercise, the rules of which must be respected if you…
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How to write a flashback

Although most stories progress chronologically, sometimes it is useful to bring in an incident from your character’s past. The purpose of the flashback is to influence later events, to deepen the story, or to reveal something about the character. A flashback can take the form of a reflection, a memory, a dream or a dialogue.…
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How to write a greeting card

It is always a good gesture to address our wishes to our close relations but also to our professional relations, customers, prospects, colleagues, etc. But be careful! We do not address our wishes in the same way to our close relations and to our professional relations. In what terms should we express ourselves? What are…
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How to write a haiku

The first rule of composition of a haiku is that it consists of 3 lines. The first one is 5 syllables, the second one is 7 and the third one is 5 again. So, 17 syllables, in all. No more, no less. This rule must be scrupulously respected. But within those limits, you can find…
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How to write a horoscope

Astrology is very popular and common these days. Many people use their horoscope as a lead-in to the type of day or month they will have, or even how their relationships will work. Writing a horoscope requires skill and sensibility. Here are some tips on how to write a horoscope. 1) When you write a…
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