Tag: journalism

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How to write a briefing note

Whether it is for information or instruction, the briefing note must be concise (limited to the essentials of the message to be transmitted), but complete. The message must be clear, covering the famous 5 W’s. Here are some tips on how to write a briefing note. 1) When you write a briefing note: be simple…
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How to write a column       

Positioning yourself as an expert on a specific subject allows you to stand out. The exercise of writing a column requires a good handling of the argument and a clear formulation of your opinion by explaining and illustrating it. This argument in defense of a thesis is also a powerful communication tool that has not…
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How to write inverted pyramid content

Start by saying the essential before developing the more accessory information: this is the principle of the inverted pyramid. This writing technique is a necessity when designing a site or texts for the web. It effectively satisfies the hurried and fickle Internet user. Here are some pointers on how to write inverted pyramid content. Unlearn…
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