How to write a complaint

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How to write a complaint

In any situation where one feels abused, betrayed or deceived, one can write a letter to the person concerned or inform the competent authorities, always by means of a letter. This is often a difficult exercise because you have to relate your situation. Also, indicate in what way there has been deception or abuse. Here are some tips on how to write a complaint.

1) When you write a complaint: don’t miss anything

The basic elements to write a complaint or allegation are the identification of the parties, the facts or subject matter of the complaint, the request, and the date and signature. Make sure you mention all of the above, since it will make the process a lot faster.

2) Less is more

When you write a complaint in a few paragraphs, without any tangles, it will be easier to manage than a three or four-page document in which the content of previous conversations with Customer Service or with the seller is exhaustively detailed. It is almost always more practical, and may be sufficient, to write a sentence expressing the discomfort experienced.

3) Be respectful

Even if you are very annoyed, when you write a complaint, you should be respectful and helpful. Think about it: the person reading the letter may not have a voice in the problems you have had. Truth is, many managers are more likely to help you solve your problems if you are polite.

4) When you write a complaint: prepare to see them in court

If after all your steps you cannot solve the dispute, it is then possible to seize the civil justice, i.e. the judge of the litigations of protection or the judicial court according to the amount of the dispute. But let’s just hope writing a complaint is enough.

It is always a good idea to determine whether it is worth losing some time to make our formal demands to an entity. If the problem is of little importance, it is best to let it go. Nor is it a question of how to write a complaint for unimportant facts, since it will be a work in vain.