Month: September 2022

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Effective content planning

The effectiveness of your SEO content plan depends on two main factors: the keywords in your page meta titles and the trustworthiness of your site. Showing the correct keywords in your title tags lets your site compete to rank; showcasing a trustworthy website pushes your site to a winning place. Here are some pointers on…
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What are some best SEO blog practices

A blog is a set of articles offering useful content and high added value to attract and inform visitors. Blogs are great for SEO, as they drive organic traffic by simply providing the content that customers are looking for. Here are some pointers on the best SEO blog practices. Best SEO blog practices: CMS save…
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What are the differences between B2B and B2C marketing?

The term “B2C”, or “BtoC”, is used to refer to commercial exchanges between companies and individuals. It comes from the English “Business to Consumer”. Thus, B2C concerns transactions with the general public. The term “B2B”, or “BtoB”, comes from the English expression “Business to Business”. B2B exchanges, between companies, represent the majority of commercial exchanges…
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Distribution of keywords and key phrases

As SEO specialists, your goal is to improve the ranking of your clients’ websites on search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engine optimization is based on various principles, but keywords are at the center of this process. Your website as a whole must be great and optimized for search engines and users. This also applies…
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How to optimize traffic

The best traffic your company can receive on its website is organic traffic. This is because visitors who come to your website through search engines are actively looking for your services and come to you naturally. Getting organic traffic does take more time and effort compared to paid campaigns. However, there are several tricks to…
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How to optimize focus keywords

To find good keywords, you need to determine the target of your site, define the priority objectives to be reached in your SEO campaign, analyze your competitors and identify the trends of your market. Here are some pointers on how to optimize focus keywords. Optimize focus keywords: Think of your reader Start by creating a…
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Keep content fresh and up to date

Anyone in the SEO business is probably familiar with the phrase “Content is king”. This phrase is actually from Bill Gates in 1996. More than 20 years later, content is indeed king. More than that: fresh, regularly updated content improves a website’s SEO, generating traffic while improving the website’s authority on search engines like Google.…
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How to optimize your buying tunnel

The buying tunnel is the customer’s purchasing path, from the arrival on the e-commerce site to the act of purchasing. In other words: the confirmation of an order. A bad optimization of the purchase tunnel is the main problem of e-commerce sites. It is important to know that between 70 and 80% of transactions are…
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Ideal length of paragraphs in your SEO content

Whether for product descriptions or blog posts – the principle of SEO optimized texts is simple. The more the texts of a homepage are oriented towards Google‘s search criteria, the more likely they are to be “rewarded”. In other words: The authority of a homepage related to a certain topic increases. More and more visitors…
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How to set up a content strategy

The main objective of content marketing is to offer useful information as well as entertainment to the reader, who could potentially become your client. Content marketing consists of a company or a brand developing a marketing strategy around content, whatever its form, in order to generate leads, gain new prospects and engage a community around…
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