What is evergreen content
Evergreen content refers to content that is “always green”, i.e. always interesting for your readers. It is content that changes little over time: it remains relevant long after it has been created. It always remains interesting and relevant, no matter when people read it. This type of content therefore generates organic traffic in the long term. Here are some pointers on what evergreen content is and how to consider it in your SEO strategy.
No dates
Evergreen content is not anchored in time because it is not dated in order to be always visible and well positioned in search engines. This avoids diverting Internet users from your site. Usually, the date, which can be read in the results of search engines like Google, can influence the behavior of Internet users. If a date is not recent, they may think that your content is obsolete and that it will not provide them with the information they are looking for. That’s why evergreen content will always attract leads to your site: no date, so no questions from users.
Think about SEO
When you spend time writing a great article, you want people to read it. But in the vast world of the internet, how will they find it? That’s where SEO comes in; search engine optimization helps drive traffic to your article. Take a few extra minutes to apply these strategies that will improve your SEO and help readers find your ongoing content.
Recycling good ideas
An easy way to create content that lasts is to refresh existing content and rewrite articles by keeping your good ideas but presenting them differently. For example, if you produce an infographic that is very successful, you can easily keep it in your most popular content by updating the data on a regular basis.
Answer important questions
You must especially seek to respond to the problems of your buyers personas. It is also important to remain consistent. By this we mean that your evergreen content must have a direct link with the products or services you offer. You must at all costs follow your editorial line.
When mastering what evergreen content is, remember: The purpose of your evergreen content is to create leads, to refer to your products and services or to build customer loyalty. It is therefore essential to push the right content at the right time.