Month: November 2022

Unique articles written by professionals delivered to you daily

What is evergreen content

Evergreen content refers to content that is “always green”, i.e. always interesting for your readers. It is content that changes little over time: it remains relevant long after it has been created. It always remains interesting and relevant, no matter when people read it. This type of content therefore generates organic traffic in the long…
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What is error 410

The error code Http 410 Gone (HTTP = HyperText Transfer Protocol) is part of the client error codes (the 4xx series). They indicate that access to the requested page or resource is no longer available on the server. This, a priori, and no redirection address for this page or resource is available. Here are some…
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What is E-A-T

The acronym E-A-T designates three criteria taken into account by the search engine to determine the relevance of a site’s content and rank it in the SERPs (results pages): Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. Here are some pointers on what E-A-T is and how to consider it in your SEO strategy. E for Expertise Google considers…
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What is dwell time

We’ve all done this: If we are looking for an answer to a specific question, and we don’t find it in the first result we click on, we go back to the search results to find a better resource. As consumers, we know we want the best answer to our question, and we know we…
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What is duplicate content

In SEO, we speak of duplicate content when two contents or blocks of content present on two distinct URLs are identical or almost identical (near duplicate content). Duplicate content is present within the same website (intra-site) or on an external website (inter-site). And its presence can be because of many factors. Internally, it is often…
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What is domain trust

To determine domain trust, algorithms used by search engines take into account more than 200 criteria for referencing. The majority of these are directly related to the content, architecture and internal and external links of the site. In order to improve its referencing and develop its activities on the web, you should implement a global…
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What is dofollow and nofollow

Crawlers take DoFollow links into account when they analyze your website. The DoFollow means that Google must make the link between your site and the URL indicated. Thus, the pagerank of the site that places a backlink to your site will be taken into account in the calculation of your own positioning. Unlike the DoFollow…
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What is deep linking

Deep linking is a technique that has gained considerable importance in recent years due to its effectiveness in mobile marketing. Indeed, this technology has allowed marketers to greatly improve engagement with mobile app users. Deep links provide app owners with a clear and simple way to identify, address, and direct users to specific content. Here…
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What is data-driven SEO

Data analysis is used to guide data-driven SEO. Instead of using generic online marketing tactics, the objective is to develop a highly effective SEO content strategy. Almost all of the components of your website’s components can be evaluated for effectiveness. Your outcomes are quantifiable. You may concentrate your efforts on the most successful and profitable…
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What is customer journey

The customer journey is the complete buying process that a customer must follow to make a purchase, from idea generation to payment and re-ordering. The goal is to interact with customers at every stage and through all possible channels and mediums to better understand their desires and requirements, while identifying their recurring behaviors to create…
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