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What is Google bombing

Google bombing is a technique that consists in obtaining one of the first places on Google in the natural results for a web page or an individual “victim”. The action can occur on the classic search engine or on the image function of Google. The technique uses the complicity of a large number of partner…
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What is Google BERT

BERT stands for “Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers” and is a neural network-based technique for pre-training in natural language processing or “NLP.” It is about machine learning and artificial intelligence. This new update is essentially aimed at better interpreting the “intent of search queries.” It is basically a better interpretation of the natural language used…
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What is FID

The First Input Delay or FID is an indicator we use to evaluate the delay between two moments. The moment when the user interacts with an element of the site and the moment when the browser is able to respond to this interaction. In other words, it is the moment when the web page “loads”…
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What is faceted navigation

Faceted navigation is a navigation mode available to the Internet user. It is generally applied on e-commerce sites or on marketplaces, and which allows users to navigate on different facets of a product. Imagine that you sell green or white shirts and pants in sizes S and XL. Some users will specifically want shirts, some…
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What is evergreen content

Evergreen content refers to content that is “always green”, i.e. always interesting for your readers. It is content that changes little over time: it remains relevant long after it has been created. It always remains interesting and relevant, no matter when people read it. This type of content therefore generates organic traffic in the long…
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What is error 410

The error code Http 410 Gone (HTTP = HyperText Transfer Protocol) is part of the client error codes (the 4xx series). They indicate that access to the requested page or resource is no longer available on the server. This, a priori, and no redirection address for this page or resource is available. Here are some…
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What is E-A-T

The acronym E-A-T designates three criteria taken into account by the search engine to determine the relevance of a site’s content and rank it in the SERPs (results pages): Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. Here are some pointers on what E-A-T is and how to consider it in your SEO strategy. E for Expertise Google considers…
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What is dwell time

We’ve all done this: If we are looking for an answer to a specific question, and we don’t find it in the first result we click on, we go back to the search results to find a better resource. As consumers, we know we want the best answer to our question, and we know we…
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What is duplicate content

In SEO, we speak of duplicate content when two contents or blocks of content present on two distinct URLs are identical or almost identical (near duplicate content). Duplicate content is present within the same website (intra-site) or on an external website (inter-site). And its presence can be because of many factors. Internally, it is often…
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What is domain trust

To determine domain trust, algorithms used by search engines take into account more than 200 criteria for referencing. The majority of these are directly related to the content, architecture and internal and external links of the site. In order to improve its referencing and develop its activities on the web, you should implement a global…
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