Month: October 2022

Unique articles written by professionals delivered to you daily

What is a cookie

A cookie is a small text file placed by the browser on a user’s computer while browsing a website or application. The cookie contains a unique identifier that acts as a tag. When you browse a website, a cookie goes on your computer. So, if you visit the site again after a few days, the…
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What is a chatbot

Chatbots are computer programs that are inserted into one or more messaging interfaces in order to simulate an automated discussion with the site visitor. They answer the questions and concerns raised through a language that makes sense. Here are some pointers on what a chatbot is and how to consider it in your SEO strategy.…
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What is a CDN

A CDN (for “Content Delivery Network”) is an infrastructure of networked servers that are strategically located around the world. They serve to shorten the physical distance between the content’s original hosting location and the site visitor’s location. This, in order to minimize the delay between the sending of the request by the Internet user and…
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What is a canonical URL

Duplicate content is often complex to manage in order to optimize a site’s performance and page ranking on search engines like Google. Fortunately, canonical URLs can solve some of these problems and improve the SEO performance of articles that span multiple pages. Here are some pointers on what a canonical URL is and how to…
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What is a broken link

It is important to spot broken links as they are detrimental to your website. Broken links hurt the user experience as it turns into an error message. They can negatively impact your acquisition rate and conversion rate. But also, significantly increase your bounce rate. They also have a negative impact on your website’s ranking on…
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What is a blogroll

A blogger can use a blogroll to help promote their friends’ blogs or to offer their readers a wider variety of resources on a particular niche. The blogroll can be configured according to each blogger’s personal preferences. It can also be updated at any time. Some blogrolls divide into categories. Here are some pointers on…
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What is 301 redirect

The 301 redirect code is an obligatory passage during the total or partial redesign of a website. This technique is popular among web site managers. It allows them to change the location of a web page quickly and easily. When a user tries to access the old content of a website, their browser will use…
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What are YMYL pages

YMYL stands for Your Money, Your Life. In the world of SEO, we talk about YMYL pages. A page is a YMYL page when it offers content that has a direct impact on the user’s life. In Google‘s own words, certain types of pages can potentially impact users’ future happiness, health, financial stability, or safety.…
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What are user signals

Every day, we all determine which pages to rank based on user signals. Users let Google know if they can take action on a search result or not. These signals are taken into account by Google. They are therefore a key component of every SEO campaign. You shouldn’t disregard user signals because it’s becoming more…
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What are third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are all cookies that are not collected by the website operator but by a third party. If you visit a website for the first time, the web server normally generates an internal cookie. This is a first-party cookie. It stores all necessary user settings and entries. When you return to the site, this…
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