What is a chatbot
Chatbots are computer programs that are inserted into one or more messaging interfaces in order to simulate an automated discussion with the site visitor. They answer the questions and concerns raised through a language that makes sense. Here are some pointers on what a chatbot is and how to consider it in your SEO strategy.
It must make things easier
Using a Chatbot allows you to inform/guide your interlocutor about a subject that they have difficulty understanding. The idea is to give them the impression that someone is always present to give them clear answers on his doubts at any time of the day. The robot’s mission is to meet this need thanks to its ability to inform, advise, assist, entertain, build loyalty and even provide after-sales service.
For e-retailers
Chatbots are a gateway to the user’s private sphere (messaging). For e-commerce actors, the chatbot is synonymous with information gathering while being an invaluable gain in visibility. In terms of cost, the investment is lower than for traditional marketing channels in e-commerce.
Reuse the creation process
A chatbot allows you to simulate a conversation. However, in order to program it, it is necessary to anticipate and list all the possible requests of the Internet users. This research process allows you to think about the different requests of the Internet users. This process is similar to the problems of natural referencing. In both situations, try to identify the most relevant keywords for the users. This reflection to create a chatbot can thus feed your list of keywords to use to optimize your pages for SEO.
Voicebots are coming
Sites that don’t take into account voice SEO are likely to lose out to those that do. Just as mobile SEO has gained ground, penalizing non-optimized sites, voice SEO will shake up rankings. Since users will be looking for an immediate answer, the best answer will prevail. And no longer a list of possible answers. Voice search favors immediacy and accessibility to information. It will therefore generate an additional need for contextualized and geolocalized answers.
When learning what a chatbot is, remember: it is a way to communicate in an original way with the customer that they are likely to remember. That’s why before launching, it is important to define the objectives of your chatbot and how to create an attractive experience that brings added value to your target.