How to fix error 500

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How to fix error 500

When a browser cannot connect to the server of a requested website for an unidentified cause, it displays an error 500 message. This is referred to as an “Internal Server Error.” When this occurs, the user of the Internet typically has little choice except to exit your site and come back at a later time. If this internal server problem is not immediately fixed, it could harm your site’s user experience, raise your bounce rate, have a bad impact on your SEO, and cost you sales. Here are some pointers on how to fix error 500.

The old reliable

Reload the web page in order to request it again from the web server. You can do this by selecting the refresh/reload button, pressing F5 or Ctrl+R, or by retrying the URL from the address bar. Even if the internal server error 500 is a problem on the web server, the problem may be temporary. Retrying the page will often be successful.

Check your .htaccess file

If your site is hosted on a server using Apache, it is possible that your .htaccess file is corrupted. This can happen after installing a plugin or making other changes to your site.  The solution is easy to apply. You simply need to replace your corrupted .htaccess file with a new one. Usually, to create a new .htaccess file, all you have to do is save your permalink settings in your WordPress dashboard. But if your site isn’t accessible, you most likely can’t log into your dashboard, making this option inapplicable.

Check your active plugins and themes

If none of the previous steps allowed you to identify the problem, we invite you to verify that the 500 error does not come from your theme or one of your plugins. To do this, you will need FTP access from your web host, as in the previous steps. Then navigate between the plugin folders: WP-CONTENT > PLUGINS. Rename the plugin folders with a name like plugins_off. Then try to relaunch your website. If your site reloads without any errors, then Error 500 comes from a plugin.

Remember: the best course of action for you to fix error 500 is to deal with the issue head-on, as it may not only scare away visitors but also hurt your website’s rating on Google.