What is a datacenter

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What is a datacenter

A data center is a physical location, usually a stand-alone building. In it, sensitive data and applications are stored en masse. It is a network of computing and storage resources. This includes routers and servers, that makes this data available. This allows companies or Internet service providers to operate the entire IT infrastructure and data processing in an efficient and secure manner. Here are some pointers on what a datacenter is and how to consider it in your SEO strategy.

What is a datacenter? Advantages

You don’t have to worry about storing hardware. Or about the various interventions and costs related to general hardware maintenance and IT resources. Changing or adding RAM, CPUs, hard disks or replacing motherboards.

Cybersecurity at its best

Today, a large part of the world’s data centers are highly secured in order to protect the data stored in these particular places. For a data center to function optimally, you must meet certain conditions. These include excellent air conditioning, air quality control, an emergency and backup power supply solution, 24-hour surveillance, etc.

What is a datacenter? The cloud doesn’t exist

When we talk about “Cloud”, it is really just a matter of moving from a hard drive or physical memory located on your machine (computer, tablet, smartphone), to a remote storage located in a datacenter. Your local hard drive consumes almost no energy, but putting it on a server and making it available to you via the Internet is something else.

The energy management system

Since the computer system and the air conditioning system of a data center are constantly running, they consume a considerable amount of energy. Even modern servers consume up to 45 degrees Celsius, but require a cooling temperature of 20 to 35 degrees Celsius. One of the current challenges is to reduce the consumption of electrical energy by using renewable energy.

How does it affect SEO

You must take advantage of this better strategy of using data centers as well as the proximity of hosting services to better work on the natural referencing.  Given the competition, all companies aim for the first position in the search results. It is not enough to have a good web server, but the main thing is to get a big part of the market.

When learning what a datacenter is, remember: As the need for cloud services increases, the number of data centers around the world will continue to grow.