What is a doorway page

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What is a doorway page

A doorway page is a page created “artificially” in order to be more visible by search engines. By extension, a doorway page can also have another definition. A page created with the aim of placing content and links to make its site more visible. These doorway pages then redirect the user to another page of the site. Search engines prohibit this technique. Here are some pointers on what a doorway page is and how to avoid its practice.

Some objectives

Doorway pages aim to artificially boost the referencing of a website in order to benefit from an excellent positioning on the results of search engines. And also, to associate a doorway page with a photo page. Or to associate a doorway page integrating taboo keywords to another page related to these words. In case of too heavy code that can generate interpretation errors. Even to promote a landing page aiming only at encouraging clicks on advertising results.

Why is it best to avoid them? 

Google‘s search engine has evolved so much that it has become far too sophisticated to be fooled by doorway pages. This, no matter how hard you try to hide them. Readability is a crucial ranking factor in terms of content, and if Google picks up 42 keywords in a small piece of text, you can be sure you’ll never rank in the results pages for that content because it won’t be considered easy and enjoyable to read for your visitors.

How much can Google tolerate?

If you need to increase your SEO, think above all about the content. To create a “doorway” site accepted by Google, the first point is to work on the content. Creating a useful content, which gives information to your visitor will do about 60% of the work, and as it will be a content created by you and not automated, you may get 80% of Google acceptance.

Be compliant

A page that respects the design of your site, that has good and pleasant ergonomics for the visitor, and that has real content is much more effective and relevant. Moreover, considering the permanent fight that Google leads against this kind of SEO techniques, your risk is always high.

When learning what a doorway page is, remember: the heavy penalties applied more and more often by search engines to optimized sites, tend today to make the use of doorway pages disappear.