What is a dynamic page

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What is a dynamic page

In contrast to static pages, dynamic pages allow to present information in different ways depending on the interaction with the visitor. The pages are then built at the moment thanks to a programming designed by the webmaster. The content is taken from a database according to criteria established by the Internet user and then put on page in real time. Here are some pointers on what a dynamic page is and how to consider it in your SEO strategy.

Users love it

The advantage of a dynamic web page is the good communication and connection with the visitors. A dynamic web page is designed with functionality as a priority. It aims to interact with users to answer what they are looking for while visiting a site. For example, the “Site Search” is a feature of the dynamic web page.

How does a dynamic web page work?

When a user visits a static web page, the data exchange is very limited. An HTTP server simply sends the content of the file where the page is stored. It is then returned as it was, a simple copy of its original coding. For a dynamic page, it is quite different. The HTTP server must transmit the request to the software concerned by this particular web page. This last one then takes care to generate the contents according to the information given: either the information particular to the page, or the information of the page itself.

The languages

Static web pages result from HTML and CSS which are data description and formatting languages for web sites. They do not take into account conditional information specific to dynamic pages. This is why dynamic web pages are written with additional programming techniques to HTML and CSS: most often it is PHP, ASP (Active Server Pages), JSP (Javaserver Pages), CFM (ColdFusion Markup), or MySQL. This is visualized by the extension at the end of the URL.

Help Google out

Google indicates that it perfectly indexes dynamic URLs, provided that their structure respects the following rules: not having more than 3 parameters (1? and 2&); and from 4 parameters (1? and 3&) the indexing of the page will be blocked.

When learning what a dynamic page is, remember: the use of dynamic pages is more flexible for the evolution of the site but requires more time for programming.