What is E-A-T

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What is E-A-T

The acronym E-A-T designates three criteria taken into account by the search engine to determine the relevance of a site’s content and rank it in the SERPs (results pages): Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. Here are some pointers on what E-A-T is and how to consider it in your SEO strategy.

E for Expertise

Google considers that the author of a content must have an expertise in the theme on which he writes, and the content itself must be written in an expert approach. It is therefore on this element that Google will base itself to judge the relevance of a content.

A for Authoritativeness

The authority criterion is one of the most important for the referencing of a site. It applies to the author of the content as well as to the content itself and the site as a whole. In order to meet this criterion, it is necessary to prove the expertise and legitimacy of the authors who write the content.


This criterion is particularly aimed at e-businesses that must prove to their users that their site is safe in every respect, such as HTTPS browsing, secure payment method, legal notices, Google My Business page, links from authority sites, etc.

Update your content

In 2020, humans created an average of 2.5 quintillion bytes per day, which means that content is rapidly becoming obsolete.The average lifespan of online content is about two to three years, depending on the topic and industry. Keep your content fresh by including updated content in your SEO strategy.

Build an author’s reputation

Always mention the author’s name and specialty to present him or her as an expert in his or her field. Do not hesitate to work on the online reputation by checking the results on the author’s name. Also work on notoriety by favoring contributions on other authoritative websites.

Secure your site

To get a good E-A-T score, it is essential to secure your site. To begin with, you must make it compliant with the HTTPS protocol. The SSL certificate has a more advanced level of encryption to effectively protect data exchanges.

Remember: you must take E-A-T into consideration in your SEO strategies. Some practices such as the implementation of a content strategy, the valorisation of authors and contributors, and the securing of the site should allow you to be perceived by the search engine as a quality actor.