The differences between SSR and CSR

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The differences between SSR and CSR

Every time you visit a Web site, your browser needs to render that page in order to present it attractively and provide the degree of interactivity you desire. Depending on the programming approach taken for the Web project, however, dynamic scripts and static code can operate very differently. Here are some ideas on the differences between SSR and CSR.

Server-side rendering (SSR)

Server-side rendering is a technique we use to develop websites with dynamic elements and web applications. It is based on the use of scripts, which run on the web server using the appropriate scripting languages. This, when you request the corresponding content in the browser. All HTML, CSS and JavaScript instructions load completely upon the initial request.

Client-Side-Rendering (CSR)

Client-side rendering, or client-side scripting, is the technique Web developers prefer for projects with dynamic content. In this case, the server do not execute or process programmed scripts the server, but by the accessing browser. For this purpose, it is necessary either to integrate the scripts into the HTML or XHTML document or to write them in a separate file that is associated with the document. If the user calls a web page with client-side scripts, the web server sends the HTML document and the scripts to the browser, which executes them itself and presents the final result.

The differences between SSR and CSR: some comparisons

Server-side rendering (SSR) can be a little faster than the initial request, simply because it doesn’t require as many trips and back and forth to the server. However, performance doesn’t stop there, it also depends on a few additional factors. All of which can result in a wide variety of user experiences: The Internet speed of the user making the request, how many active users are accessing the site at any given time, the physical location of the server or page speed optimization. Client-side rendering (CSR), on the other hand, is slower at the initial request because it makes several round trips to the server. However, once these demands are met, CSR provides a fast experience via the JS framework.

To sum it up

Server-side rendering offers excellent page loading speed, which is, however, associated with a high load on the web server. Client-side rendering works the other way around and spares the server by displaying most of the page in the browser, provided the user has not blocked JavaScript.