How to improve your pagerank

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How to improve your pagerank

To reference your site, Google uses a set of criteria that are becoming increasingly broad, the oldest of them being the PageRank. This quality index invented by Larry Page is between 1 and 10 and evaluates the popularity and reliability of a page based on the number of links pointing to it and the reputation of the sites from which they come. Here are some pointers on how to improve your pagerank.

Internal links

Having a good internal linkage means having a clear site for your visitors and for Google. You must therefore make sure to create links between your different pages to transmit the popularity of one page to another. In order to link to pages on your site, you need to anchor them to the words in your content. These anchors should contain keywords that help your visitors and Google understand the structure of your different pages. Try to match these anchors with the titles of the pages they lead to.

Clean your house

Start by searching all the sites that link to your site and look at their reputation: if it is bad, ask them to remove your link from their pages. If too many low-quality sites mention you, it may be seen as an attempt to increase your PageRank unfairly. Getting as many links as possible has long been a way to manipulate and distort search engine results, and Google doesn’t like cheaters.

Mind your content

The origin of PageRank is that other players link to your site because they consider your content relevant. Before chasing links, focus on the quality of your content first. This will encourage your visitors and other bloggers to link to your articles without you even having to ask them.

How to know your PageRank?

To know the PageRank of your site you must normally use the tool provided by Google, which is none other than the Google Toolbar. There are also many tools to know your PageRank. For example, Mozilla offers SEO Quake, and on Chrome, you have Open SEO stats. You can find other services by typing the keywords “PageRank” directly in your browser.

While mastering how to improve your pagerank, remember: you have to be patient, active at all times and always focus on quality: after all, success is usually the result of hard work.