How to optimize FAQ in SEO

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How to optimize FAQ in SEO

Your FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is a list of questions/answers on a page of your website in order to answer the questions that your users have about your products or services. Here are some pointers on how to optimize your FAQ section for SEO purposes.

Improve your relationship

A customer who uses the FAQ and finds the answer to their question is a customer who does not call customer service. The FAQ provides the customer with the necessary resources to solve their problem themselves. They do not need to call an advisor, especially for low value-added queries. In addition, the FAQ allows you to collect information about your customers. Therefore knowing them better.

Listen to Google

The criteria Google has established for having your FAQ questions displayed are:

The FAQ must be specific to your site and written by you. It can be a list of questions and answers in a support page.

It must not be collaborative: the answer must be provided by the brand. A dynamic FAQ where visitors could bring their own answer is not considered valid.

The content of a FAQ must be useful to answer the problems of your consumers. It must not be a diverted way to advertise.

You must absolutely include the exact content of your QUESTION in the ANSWER you provide below.

Turn your mic on

Your SEO FAQ must look further. Internet users now tend to ask questions when they make a query in Google, especially with the emergence of Voice Search. That’s why Google favors content that includes these same questions.

Build your persona

Build buyer personas to better understand your prospects’ expectations and determine precisely the questions they ask themselves (and that they formulate on Google). And don’t hesitate to involve your sales people or partners in the process: they are the ones who receive the questions in the field.

Don’t forget your keywords

A well-crafted FAQ must contain relevant keywords. Indeed, you optimize your positioning and, at the same time, your chances of appearing in a good position on search engines. This is why it is important to integrate the keywords most often searched by your customers in your titles and in the body of the text.

When mastering how to optimize FAQ in SEO, remember: A FAQ page is made to evolve according to the offer that you propose. It is important to update it regularly.