How to optimize image SEO

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How to optimize image SEO

Images play an important role on your website and social networks. They break up long text and make it more enjoyable to read, they make content easier to share and they help people better understand what you’re saying. Here are some tips on how to optimize image SEO.

Give context to your images

Make sure that the images you use are relevant to the subject matter of the web page. Google suggests using visuals where they bring the most value to the page. It is also important to add headlines and subheadings that provide context and guide the user. Place yourself in the user’s shoes to understand what words and phrases would be used to describe the content of the image.

How to optimize image SEO: the Title tag

The title tag is the text that is displayed when the image is hovered over: it is also called “tooltip”. As its name indicates, it is the title of the image, not to be confused with the name of the image file. The Title attribute is more useful from a user experience point of view than from an SEO point of view.

Use original images

It is better to use unique visuals and photos than visuals that are already used everywhere. This can be a lot of work, but it can be worth the cost. If this is not possible, use visuals that are relevant to the topics discussed.

Choose the right format

Photos bring dynamism to your web pages. They serve both to illustrate your words and to stimulate reading. So, when you have pages rich in text, do not hesitate to add visuals.  The choice is wide: images, graphics, gifs or even emojis. When possible, favor the 3 lightest formats that are best suited for the web: the JPEG, PNG and GIF.

Reduce the size and weight of your images

It is well known that Google takes into account the loading time of pages in its algorithm and is particularly interested in the Web Core Vitals of each page. The loading time of a page is strongly influenced by the weight of the page, and therefore the images that compose it. Images can therefore have a significant impact on loading times.

Remember: Images play an essential role in the natural referencing of your site or blog. An image found through Google Image search can be a gateway to your site.