How to write a pitch

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How to write a pitch

The pitch is simply the synthetic presentation of an activity, a project or a company, especially of its strengths. More than a simple introduction, the pitch is an opportunity to get into the swing of things in a striking manner by appealing to the audience. The objective: to make them want to know more and convince them to trust you. Here are some tips on how to write a pitch.

1)     When you write a pitch: be brief

A pitch should be structured in three paragraphs. In the first, a general presentation of the subject is made. In the second, the angle of treatment is specified. This is where you explain how you will carry out the subject. In the last paragraph, the following elements are detailed: the people to be interviewed, the statistics or recent events related to this proposal, the photo envisaged to accompany the article. In summary, this is the part where the “5 W’s” should be discussed.

2)     Be rhetoric

The main challenge for you is to get the audience’s attention. A good way to do this is to use a powerful catchphrase that the audience will remember. The second challenge is to keep the audience’s attention throughout your pitch. Indeed, the attention curve of the audience will vary as you unfold your speech. Humor, silences, modulations in the tone of your voice are some ways to refocus attention on your message.

3)     When you write a pitch: answer some questions

What makes you different from your competitors? How is your product unique? Why should this prospect buy your product rather than another? What is your strength? What are the benefits for the customer? The analysis of your competitors will help you answer these questions. Do it in a few succinct sentences.

4)     Be visual

Prepare a stunning design. Captivate your audience with the most beautiful and elegant design. A perfect pitch isn’t just about grasping how to write a pitch presentation on the content side. You’ll need a professional-looking presentation that goes beyond the commonplace in design. It needs to stand out. Use high quality images or no photos at all, for example.

When you write a pitch, you must sincerely believe in what you are pitching. The stench of lack of confidence can be smelled from afar. If the presenter doesn’t handle something properly, how can it be expected to be credible?