How to write a speech

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How to write a speech

To build a convincing speech, we think that everything lies in the arguments. We take pleasure in the certainty that if they are well-founded, we will convince. But there’s more to that. A speech must be captivating and, depending on the circumstances, it must inform, convince, motivate or entertain the audience. It is therefore essential to take the time to build a good text. Here are some tips on how to write a speech.

1) When you write a speech: read the room

Your speech is part of a context and will be heard by the entire audience. You must therefore consider your public. Define the messages you want to convey and then think about your text in terms of the people it addresses and those who will hear it. Will your speech be interesting to everyone?

2) Do your research

You must know your subject perfectly and be able to present all aspects of it, even the negative ones. If you are presenting a new product at a conference, for example, remember to anticipate the criticisms directly in your speech. You will be all the more convincing!

3) When you write a speech: start strong

Find an effective hook. The first few minutes of your speech are crucial to getting the audience’s interest and attention. Depending on the circumstances, you may want to introduce it with a humorous line, an important fact or a telling figure. Capture your audience by asking an open or closed question related to your topic.

4) Be aware of your numbers

When you write a speech, you may mention figures, important references, and study results. Your audience will be confident that these concepts are well established in their field of knowledge. However, too many figures may appear to manipulate and create lies out of thin air. Check your sources! This includes speeches for children.

5) When you write a speech: wrap it up

Do you want to leave your listeners with a smile, with a joke in mind, with a powerful inspiration?  Or, is it with a serious image that will make an impact on them? Think carefully about that ending and even the last words you write because they are the ones that will resonate for a while.

Rhetoric is a discipline that the ancient Greeks respected. That is why it is important to take your time when you want to write a speech. Be responsible, because with practice, you can convince millions.