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What is 301 redirect

The 301 redirect code is an obligatory passage during the total or partial redesign of a website. This technique is popular among web site managers. It allows them to change the location of a web page quickly and easily. When a user tries to access the old content of a website, their browser will use…
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What are YMYL pages

YMYL stands for Your Money, Your Life. In the world of SEO, we talk about YMYL pages. A page is a YMYL page when it offers content that has a direct impact on the user’s life. In Google‘s own words, certain types of pages can potentially impact users’ future happiness, health, financial stability, or safety.…
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What are user signals

Every day, we all determine which pages to rank based on user signals. Users let Google know if they can take action on a search result or not. These signals are taken into account by Google. They are therefore a key component of every SEO campaign. You shouldn’t disregard user signals because it’s becoming more…
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What are third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are all cookies that are not collected by the website operator but by a third party. If you visit a website for the first time, the web server normally generates an internal cookie. This is a first-party cookie. It stores all necessary user settings and entries. When you return to the site, this…
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What are metrics

Whatever the size of your company, you must evaluate your web marketing strategy, starting with the performance of your website in terms of natural referencing. This evaluation is crucial and will allow you to know if you are on the right track or not. The easiest way to track your SEO efforts is to be…
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What are LSI keywords

Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is a process of word processing to identify hidden contextual relationships between content and the terms it contains. This, to make information retrieval more accurate. The latent semantic indexing keywords will serve to contextualize your content. This, in order to allow search engines to understand and rank your editorial content. Here…
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What are core web vitals

The Core Web Vitals are a set of three measures that allow to diagnose the good UX (User eXperience) functioning of a website. They measure the quality of the user experience through criteria such as page loading speed, interactivity time or visual stability. Here are some pointers on what core web vitals are and how…
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What are bridge pages

A website known as a “bridge page” exists solely to direct visitors to another website. Although such a bridge page is frequently used in affiliate marketing, it is not exclusively so. Such pages may result in account suspension. Or perhaps a complete ban from Google AdWords, with new account suspension occurring automatically. Here are some…
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What are breadcrumbs

In the computer field, the breadcrumb refers to a secondary navigation system. The role of this system is to show a user their position on an application or on a website. It is a process that has many advantages in the field of natural referencing. The breadcrumb trail also helps you to have better positioning…
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What are branded keywords

As consumers get familiar to your brand, they will be more likely to use your brand name. This, in association with the queries they type into search engines. For this reason, companies that already have some brand recognition should start targeting more branded keywords in their SEO strategy. Here are some pointers on what are…
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